Regex replace second occurrence java You can use a while loop with str. Since you want to keep the first occurrence, you might have trouble using a single regex for this. To replace just one occurence: sed '0,/RE/s//to_that/' file (shamelessly stolen from How to use sed to replace only the first occurrence in a file?) Strings in Java are immutable, which makes this somewhat tricky if you are talking about an arbitrary number of things you need to find and replace. Problem is: I have a string: "ha bla ha ha" Now I want to replace the first (and only the first) "ha" with "gurp": "gurp bla ha ha" string. : deleteLastOccurrence("foo,bar,dog,cat,dog,bird","dog") should return "f May 8, 2014 · You can use IndexOf specifying the start index to find index of second question mark and then use Substring:. Demo (You can also see what is captured on the right) So, in your case we save the first four 'sentences' in the capture group (the outer most parenthesis). Jul 23, 2012 · Just a little question. May 20, 2021 · Lately, I turned to the conversation and I saw you writing:. In the following program, the regex [H] pattern will match character H is regex is supported. Enter String: good morning, good afternoon, good evening goodnight String to be replaced: Hello New string to place: Hi Occurance: 2 “Hello” not found 2 times in the given string Resultant String: good morning, good afternoon, good evening goodnight You can use a positive lookahead in your regex to ensure it only splits on the last occurrence. Examples: string1 this is a first example string2 string1 this is a second example string2 Expected result: string1_this_is_a_first_example_string2 string1_this_is_a_second_example_string2 May 10, 2012 · This will replace every 100 characters with the same 100 characters and add a new line at the end. Thank you!! Jun 5, 2012 · I want to replace first occurrence of String in the following. regex. Monday 02 January 2017 I have created one regex which gives me the last two character of second word in a string, but am not sure how to replace them with nothing. replace() method in Java allows you to replace all occurrences of a specific character or substring with another character or substring. Aug 8, 2016 · See for yourself: String Or is your question actually "How do I implement a replaceLast()?". I can do this, Pattern p = Pattern. You can do a number of things to fix. Example: /ipaddress/databasename/ I need to capture only the database name. replaceAll() searches and replaces all substrings using regular expressions. Aug 24, 2021 · String string = "Hi$?Hello$?". Apr 26, 2019 · Regular Expression: replace the n-th occurence. Cheers! javascript Nov 11, 2017 · You can write a function to return array of occurrence positions, Java has String. After adding some spaces to indicate the different parts of the regular expression: After adding some spaces to indicate the different parts of the regular expression: Jan 21, 2017 · Such a regex should do that (perl syntax):s/(order by)((. IndexOf('?') + 1 Aug 9, 2022 · replace pattern is also greedy, so it looks for: 'any symbols followed by non-digit symbol followed by any number of digits (this is our last number) followed by any Apr 12, 2015 · Currently, I am checking and changing the colour of the word while the user is typing, however, it is highlighting all the occurrences instead of just the last occurrence. I wanted to replace one instance of a character with another, like "aaaaa" with "aabaa", where only the third 'a' is replaced with 'b', but not the others. Regex offers a handy approach for searching for a term in a text wherever it appears. . That's why the replace string has to be $1/$2,. I guess you could then do another replace all to replace double spaces with a single one. You'll need to use "\)". Jul 15, 2016 · $2 refers to the second group, also (. I've got over 2000 unique lines which is why I need a regex. – Jan 13, 2016 · Replacing parts of a string with different strings depending on what has been captured isn't something easily done with regex. So i am wondering if there is anyway to unhighlight the first occurrence of the word when the second occurrence is detected. index 0. It's that replaceAll() considers the given CharSequence as a regular expression so it looks for regex matches, while replace() considers the given CharSequence as a plain search text so it looks for occurrences of it. This method also allows you to specify the target substring using the regular expression, which means you can use this to remove all white space from String. ]+" is that the first form will match at least one word character followed by at least one period followed by at least one word character whereas the second form will match any mix up of word characters and periods. Unless you are using . Replace(Input, @"([ a-zA-Z0-9_]|^\s)", ""); Where Input is the string which we need to replace the characters. * The pattern matches: ^ Start of string Oct 28, 2015 · public String aTo123X(String str) { /* Strategy: get string length of the code, and create a for loop in order to find each individual part of the String chars. Regex for finding the second occurrence of a character in a dynamic string in javascript. I'm having a problem finding out how to replace the last ', ' in a string with ' and ': Having this string: test1, test2, test3 and I want to end out with: test1, test2 and test3 I'm trying some Aug 11, 2011 · I'm looking to accomplish this purely through regular expressions. replace() Method Replace will always overwrite everything we match, but if we save some of the match in a capture group we can put it back. Apr 8, 2016 · Although Java does not say that officially, you can use * and + in the lookbehind as they are implemented as limiting quantifiers: * as {0,0x7FFFFFFF} and + as {1,0x7FFFFFFF} (see Regex look-behind without obvious maximum length in Java). replace( Oct 11, 2023 · If we use a regex pattern, it will be treated as a literal string. More about regex and strings in java: Java regex extract abbreviations; java regex matcher; java split string into list Jul 24, 2015 · If the Symbol is an . Oct 30, 2015 · I'd like a regex for sub in R to substitute the characters in a string which follow the nth occurrence of ";" in that string, where n is a variable number passed to the regex. 6. The datab Jan 23, 2012 · The regex will then match is. edit: import static java. Since you don't want to replace the first slash, you need $1/$2 at the beginning of your replace string. replace("ha", "gurp") doesn't work, as it replaces all "ha"s. test. The search for substring starts from the beginning of the string i. String message = "Hello world !!"; Assertions. Jul 8, 2009 · Not sure, about the Java regex: I've read some articles talking about pos/neg look ahead/behind restrictions in the three major variants of regex engines and the main take away I had was the the . I tried with the below code but output is not matching with expected. A regex match second occurrence is a regular expression that matches the second occurrence of a specified pattern in a string. How do I do that in a performance savvy way? Do I use regular expression? If yes, please can you help me to pickup the right regular expression to do the above? Jun 30, 2011 · Using Notepad++, if you want to match only letters and numbers, you can match the first 2 parts without the second pipe, and then use \K to forget what is already matched. +\w+" and "[\w\. replace("[H]", "h")); 5. So if the input is as follows. *csv//' file. Regular expression to match first and last character. And the code is: And the code is:. java:2142) at GFG. But the problem here is, foo is a dynamic string variable. Matcher; import java. Are there any other characters which are troublesome? Can quote characters be escaped inside quotes, eg. Take as substring from that index, use the replace function there and then add it back to the original String. as ‘""’? It looks like you are trying to parse CSV. g. Use bigString. NET, Rust. Try Teams for free Explore Teams Jan 26, 2013 · Of course if you want to be able to match regular expression patterns, you should use them. Let me attempt an implementation (this should behave pretty much like replaceFirst(), so it should support regexes and backreferences in the replacement String): Regular expression tester with syntax highlighting, explanation, cheat sheet for PHP/PCRE, Python, GO, JavaScript, Java, C#/. Split, keep the first occurrences only, join back. The \\w matches any word character (letter, digit, or underscore) and the \\1+ matches whatever was in the first set of parentheses, one or more times. I want to search for "some string to find", and then replace only the second occurrence of this string. Examples of Remove Duplicate Words from Sentences See full list on baeldung. distinguish between pre- and postincrement), we need three different regular expressions since we have to replace j with three different values: One regex to replace j(++|--) with the original value for j : Jun 15, 2012 · Although, as you have a double line, you will get a double space. Note that a similar method String. World is beautiful. Example to Replace the First Occurrence of String. ", "/*/"); Feb 16, 2018 · Trying to figure out what's the best way to insert a line break after the second comma in a string. May 21, 2013 · I want to replace the last double quote(") with escape double quote(\") The result of the string is to be "Position, fix, dial\" How can I do this. Now replaceAll("A-Z|ss$", "SS") replaces the last occurrence of "ss" with "SS", hence your final result looks like this : Klasse, STRAssE, FUSS. This is somehow a duplicate of this problem Ruby - replace the first occurrence of a substring with another string just in java. Regex to match regex expression in a string. After Mar 8, 2018 · String replace in java is done by methods: replace() - it's using a normal replace; replaceAll() - it's using regular expression; The difference is not that the second one replace all and the first replace only 1 occurrence . )*) will match all word characters except the first captured letter \\1 matches next occurrence of the captured letter in group #1; Mode details about this regex are available in provided demo link on regex101 Jun 2, 2017 · You could simply include all three in your regex: \d+\D+\d+\D+(\d+) The capture group will capture the third set of digits. How to implement the same using Java? or Is there any methods available in Apache commons StringUtils to implement the same? Jun 15, 2017 · I am trying to replace the second occurrence of a string in javascript. Obviously, you also can pipe the output of a previous command through that. Sep 21, 2010 · I want to remove a string that is between two characters and also the characters itself , lets say for example: i want to replace all the occurrence of the string between "#?" and ";" and remove it And I'd like to replace all occurrence with $1 multiplied by 3. Oct 10, 2014 · Say I want to split on first occurrence of _: [1] "I like" "to see_how_too" Say I want to split on second occurrence of _: [1] "I like_to see" "how_too" Ideally, if the solution is a regex one liner generalizable to nth occurrence; the solution will use strsplit with a single regex. : string = regex_replace(string, "([ \t])o([ \t,])", "\1o\2") \1 and \2 might be different in your regex implementation. in a group (group1), the digit(s) after in another group (group2), and replace by : group1_group2. #!/usr/local/bin/perl; use strict; use warnings; my $ Feb 16, 2024 · at java. 7, FF3. str = xpath. text <- c("Mr. Dec 1, 2015 · In Java what you need is accomplished with replaceAll() method, provided as built in in the String class:. Sample String: where text length between pipes may vary Sep 15, 2017 · The problem here is that the regex is too greedy, but i cannot make is stop. the first group can be whatever you want; the second group is just digits, even more than 1; Regex demo Aug 16, 2023 · I am working on a script where I need to replace from second occurrence. {100}) will capture a group of 100 characters. The (. For example: §ah§ae§al§al§bo §bw§bo§br§bl§bd should become §ahell§bo world. The first occurrence of the $? has to replaced with "there" and second occurrence of the $? has to replaced with "world". regular expression in R with nth occurrence. Ex. : String text = "this should match from A to the Dec 14, 2015 · In order to be able to process I'd like to replace the first occurrence of a : in a string (which is my marker, that a speech begins). togheter. Java Program to replace the first occurrence of a String using Jan 4, 2013 · String. println Find second occurrence Jun 17, 2020 · I want to replace all space occurrences between string1 and string2 with a _ character on all lines of a text document using Notepad++. A better way to do it is to use Pattern matcher and find the last matching index. , which is fine if it's at the end of the line, but otherwise it doesn't work. Ask Question See the regex demo. After that, we have to enclose the pattern within a raw string ("\\d+") to avoid the escaping backslashes. format; import java. replaceAll takes a regular expression matching pattern as its first parameter, and a regular expression replacement pattern as its second parameter - and $ has a specific meaning in regular expressions (in both matching patterns and replacement patterns, although in different senses). Aug 6, 2014 · This regex uses a zero-width lookbehind to capture the letter in first captured group (?<=(\\w)). So far i could achieve this much ((\|)). sub(r"F\(foo\)", r"F\('foo'\)",str). For example: Sep 12, 2022 · This is a great use case for \G - which matches the beginning of the string or at the position the previous match ended:. I have to quote a text inside a couple of string taking the first occurrence of one and the last occurrence of other. public static ArrayList<Integer> occurrencesPos(String str, String substr) { final boolean ignoreCase = true; int substrLength = substr. Let's try an example. 4. I want to match the 2 first letter, at the start of a line. * with [^)]*. Edit: Unfortunately the above does not work for more than 2 upper strings, because the repeated matching group captures only last occurrence. In this article, we will learn to find every occurrence of a word using regex. var index = input. Dec 5, 2023 · Get the index of the first occurrence by calling indexOf(substring) and save the result in a variable, let’s say firstIdx; Get the index of the second occurrence by calling indexOf(substring, firstIdx + substring. But replace() does not support regex so there are no matches found. You may use Matcher#appendReplacement and Matcher#appendTail. – Nov 8, 2013 · I am doing homework related to Java language. That will make sure that I don't replace the 1 st occurrence, because it will not be fully available in this substring. ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+\|[a-zA-Z0-9]+\K. compile () to create a Pattern object that will represent our regex pattern. Ex: Replace the 2nd occurrence of the word in one case, in another case replace the 1st and 3rd occurrences, another the 2nd and 3rd, and so on. How can I replace every character of the match with a dot, so I get the same amount of . Where the gray represents the selected area (notice it's also including the word hi, when it should only include the first space for replacing), which if I ran find replace on, would give:, hello Regex: matching up to the first occurrence of a character Hot Network Questions Looking for help understanding how I might calculate telekinetic strength in my story Dec 9, 2012 · The difference between "\w+\. The $1 in the second will put the content of the group. Oct 11, 2023 · The String. replaceAll(System. String. regex101: Match nth occurence of pattern Regular Expressions 101 Jun 26, 2019 · hi @jishnupnair1996 I’ll suggest you to follow these steps:. Oct 12, 2013 · I would not use regex for this. Jan 9, 2011 · My question is how do I use the above regex to replace the [9] in Javasctipt or is there another regex that matches the second occurrence of a number in square brackets. second, fourth, sixth, etc), then just invoke replaceAll instead of replaceFirst. ((?:(?!\\1). replaceAll("([a-zA-Z])\\1{2,}", "$1")); Help is required to find out A. Apr 10, 2014 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Jul 24, 2013 · Despite the answers avoiding regex Pattern and Matcher, it's useful for performance (compiled patterns) and it'still pretty straightforward and worth mastering. Java version: 1. I am reading a text file from a website via socket with: BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(inr); while((line2 = br. out. main(GFG. * also matches an empty string! It therefore matches an empty string at the end of the input, and replaces it with a . [quote] Hi to all [quote] im fine [/quote] [/quo Sep 10, 2019 · I want to replace all occurrences of single quotations with two quotations, except in first and last occurrence, I managed to get to exclude the last occurrence using regex as follows String toRep May 31, 2012 · Regular expression is not a type, CharSequence is. replace replaces each matching substring but does not interpret its argument as a regular expression. You can see 12 (13-1) repetitions of non-capturing group plus remaining text before the 13th character @ in one captured group. it will add to selected buffer text placed between current match and previous match (or start of string for first match), the first occurrence does match the whole string, the regex engine therefore starts from the end of input for the next match; but . To get your expected result try this out : Apr 8, 2011 · Just run your script twice - once to replace the first occurrence with ${A}, once to replace the (now first) occurence with ${B}. readLine()) != null) {} I need to replace the nth occurrence of the target word with a replacement word only if n is odd. I am assuming that $ in pattern needs to be replaced by some escape characters, but don't know how many. *?), but which follows the first /. csv I've read that ? can make the regex "lazy", but I cannot make it workout. The first \ escapes the second, producing a "normal" \, which in turn escapes the ), producing a regex matching exactly a closing paranthesis ). Aug 20, 2013 · This will replace all the occurrences of "ß". Sublime text regex ^([^\s]*)(\s) gives: hihello. Throws: PatternSyntaxException - If the syntax of the regular expression is incorrect. Aug 29, 2014 · I want to replace all the occurrences of & character to & While replacing this, I also need to make sure that I do not mistakenly convert an & to &amp;. String. Jul 5, 2016 · The second group is %variable. length(); int strLength = str. I am aware of replacing the first occurrence of the string. Then, use bigString. Replace the "Illinois Commerce" in that substring. Note that I removed the redundant brackets from your original matching regex, but left them in for the replace to capture the target content. You could also avoid repetition by expressing it with a repeated group: (?:\d+\D+){2}(\d+) If you want to replace the third occurence, use something like this: Feb 28, 2022 · I tried using loops but I only managed to replace only the second occurrence and nothing after using this sample code I found here. 0. Replace fourth occurrence of a character in a string. IndexOf('?', input. just replace System. public static String replaceGroup(String regex, String source, int Mar 15, 2015 · The method replaces only the 1st occurrence of the target-word, by default. Below, the sentence contain 3 occurrences of the word "above": Jun 20, 2020 · Try "(\\w)\\1+". compile('text') match = regex. EDIT: As noted in another answer, both of these will remove "dear" from "and_dear_Bob" leaving "and__Bob" - with the underscores representing spaces. Let’s see some coding problems and solve them with the String charAt() method in Java. indexof(smallString) to get the index of the first occurrence of the small string in the big one (or -1 if none, in which case you're done). To get back the origional boundary put it between ( and ) and replace it back. Regular expression to match the first appearance of a character. I'm using a regex to detect all the matches of the character that I'm looking for. Tested now you insist on Mozilla 1. If so, regex is insufficient for the task and you should look at one of the many free Java CSV parsers. util. *(\|) which is selecting the whole string between the first and last pip char. Is it possible by some sort of regex, to do such replacement in a cleaner way? May 30, 2013 · I would like to capture the text that occurs after the second slash and before the third slash in a string. Here's what I'm currently using and it works, but I would like to know if a regex would be better You could use Matcher#start(group) and Matcher#end(group) to build a generic replacement method:. Here is my regex and replace function. *csv//2' file. Specifically you need to define your replacements in a Map , use a StringBuilder (before Java 9, less performant StringBuffer should have been used) and the appendReplacements() and appendTail If you want to replace a simple string and you don't need the abilities of regular expressions, you can just use replace, not replaceAll. So you wind up matching any occurrence of a word character, followed immediately by one or more of the same word character again. assertEquals("Hello world !!", message. Sep 6, 2020 · If we want to mimic the Java behaviour (i. This can be manipulated if we break input string separated by "/" and construct output string based on that but need to find the simplest way to do this. e. replace(String. util Test-case when the string doesn’t occur in the given string. replaceAll Jul 20, 2010 · To achieve a global replace (replacing every instance of colon with underscore) you'd add a qualifier (often 'g') after the substitution. def nth_repl(s, sub, repl, n): find = s. Sep 12, 2012 · Adding a single \ will not work, because that will try to evaluate \) as an escaped special character which it isn't. You can also omit space, comma and ampersand by the following regular expression. ; Another method that you can use is to put the + in a character class. After Output should be. string Output = Regex. May 29, 2014 · In Java trying to find a regular expression that will match all instances of a specific character (:) except the first instance, want to replace all instances except first with nothing. How would I match the space after the "e" in close and then replace it with a tab? Although this may be easy to all of you, I've spent 4 hours trying to do this but haven't been successful. How can I replace first occurrence of this string in a longer string with empty string? regex = re. Then you can match the rest of the line, and replace that with an empty string. Both replace() and replaceAll() "work with CharSequence". But since what follows the second group is another / (the 2nd one on the line), you need to replace it with the ,. JavaScript RegEx - replace first and last occurrence of A copy of the string in which the first substring that matches the regular expression is replaced with a new substring. Following code snippet replace all but one repeated characters System. 1. This will help you to replace regular expressions as well Jan 19, 2017 · You can replace all occurrence of a single character, or a substring of a given String in Java using the replaceAll() method of java. base/java. Or make it lazy again. regex = "^(?:\\S+\\s){1}\\S+(\\w{2})\\b. Note that \D matches anything that is not a digit. Different languages use different notations for regular expressions, so the detailed answer depends on the target language. Jun 10, 2014 · I'd like to use a regex pattern to do a replace in an editor like Notepad++, I came up with this regex to match my expression: \d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,3} But now how can I get only the second occurrence of colon so I can replace it with dot? Apr 9, 2024 · Given a string str which represents a sentence, the task is to remove the duplicate words from sentences using regular Expression in Programming Languages like C++, Java, C#, Python, etc. appendReplacement will do two things:. Net regex could do the good stuff, but sometimes just because it can doesn't mean you should. println("+++123++". – Oct 24, 2017 · This works perfect, until I come into a situation where I need to just replace the second occurrence of that string, and not the first or any after (in this case it only shows up twice anyway). Input: str = "Hello World . If that doesn't work try doing: string. What I would do is: Find the index of first occurrence of "Illinois Commerce" Get the substring from index + 1 till the end. These allow us to determine if some or all of a string matches a pattern. World is beautiful" element = "World" replace_element= "GFG" Output: Hello GFG . *?)upper)*/$1$3/s It takes advantage from repeated matching by the third group. regionMatches function which is quite handy. 4 Mar 4, 2009 · Others have already stated the correct method of: Escaping the + as \\+; Using the Pattern. However, what I wrote works in 'sed', 'ed', 'vi', 'vim', and Perl. com Feb 7, 2024 · In this article, we will learn how to replace a String using a regex pattern in Java. For example, I've a request to change 2nd occurrence of "ven" to venky . 2. How to replace all but 2 consecutive repeat Apr 27, 2014 · This is useful when you want to just replace strings with Strings. lang. May 13, 2015 · i am trying to build one regex expression for the below sample text in which i need to replace the bold text. println(data. E. I think it is the best, because it uses the Java methods as intended rather than trying to reinvent the wheel. replace(". sed -r 's/(\(null)\). In my case those strings will always have either one or two characters between them, resulting in the following regex: Mar 13, 2015 · Need to Replace every second instance of delimiter "/" with ":". The alert returns the same initial text. The string basically a html string. ") replaces everything with just one . This can be useful for finding specific parts of a string, or for extracting information from a string. symbols as its length? Mar 10, 2013 · We are not talking match, test or exec, just replace the first occurrence of some string from another string. java:12) String replace() Method – Java Programs. Null is Sep 23, 2015 · then strip the surrounding quotes and replace the commas. String May 26, 2012 · I am trying to trim a string to the first occurrence of a specific word in a single string of comma separated words. Aug 10, 2017 · It will capture all element before the . My output should be like below. Aug 19, 2015 · In this example I want to replace every 13th occurrence of character @ with a newline. replace() API searches for a literal substring and replaces each occurrence with the replacement string. length()) Next, let’s implement this approach and test with our INPUT string: Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. It can be done very easily using 2 regular expressions. Then how can I met this requirement simply? May 17, 2012 · By using (and ) in a regular expression, you create a group. csv Also tried but the greedy regex is still the problem. For example, from given Input I expect the In RegEx, I want to find the tag and everything between two XML tags, like the following: <primaryAddress> <addressLine>280 Flinders Mall</addressLine> <geoCodeGranula Jan 2, 2017 · I want to replace last two characters from second word. Jan 8, 2024 · When we need to find or replace values in a string in Java, we usually use regular expressions. We might easily apply the same replacement to multiple tokens in a string with the replaceAll method in both Matcher and String. The positive lookahead ensures that it only splits when it does not see another occurrence later in the string. Apr 20, 2020 · - N will pull the next (second) line into the pattern space and - `s/4s/3s/2' will then replace the second occurrence of "4s" in the pattern space with "3s". This method is part of the java. length(); ArrayList<Integer> occurrenceArr = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for(int i = 0; i < strLength Mar 17, 2016 · Find second occurrence of pattern in regex. That group can be used in the replacement. That's the complete opposite of what Pattern. As a bonus, if you want to replace every other duh (i. I never used regex and so I tried with string comparison, but obviously it isn't sufficient for all cases. After that the two lines are written to the standard output and a new cycle of sed begins. Problem is I can not replace all but two repeated consecutive characters. Apr 25, 2017 · Due to my poor Java knowledge I am unable to manage 3 and 4. But now the last boundary is used. – Jan 29, 2015 · In my scenario I want to replace the last bit of a string after a period, or the last word and everything after. System. but don't know how to replace the last occurrence of a string Jul 8, 2018 · Regex: match last and second-last character. String test = "see Comments, this is for some test, help us" **If test contains the input as follows it should not replace Oct 20, 2010 · Yes, Regular Expressions definetly help in this regard! To get a substring of everything after the nth occurrence, use this simple one-liner: Java - second last Dec 2, 2017 · The problem you have is that to replace all occurrences, you have to use the g regex flag. Nov 26, 2010 · Here all the special characters except space, comma, and ampersand are replaced. The general rule would be "match only the space after the second word". quote() does, and what the OP was asking for (quote() says, "treat the string as a literal"). check for a values in string and take in pos of the a. The \n will be then appended to the 100 characters which have been just matched. String class. "some text" 38 m² "some text" , "som May 4, 2016 · To clarify, this answer will give you the 2nd occurrence of a set of two uppercase letters followed by a space followed by three uppercase letters followed by a whitespace (non-printing) character (space, tab, and form feed, etc) or the end of the line. And the third group is [\\s,$], now you can set reference of your groups the final value that will replace each occurence found in your regex ,for example if we want to replace the second group with the string 'myNewVal' the code will be : Apr 9, 2010 · Keeping it (and the second regular expression) only serves to introduces another place where bugs could hide (for example you could accidentally update one regex, but Feb 26, 2017 · How can I replace the first occurrence of a space with a comma, giving desired result: hi, hello. If this is not possible, please let me know! If this is not possible, please let me know! java Jan 31, 2024 · Java's regular expressions, or regex, let you do advanced text manipulation and matching. Nov 26, 2012 · @PavloZvarych: Pattern. It is different every time we want to do this replacement. getProperty("line. find(sub) # If find is not -1 we have found at least one match for the substring i = find != -1 # loop util we find the nth or we find no match while find != -1 and i != n: # find + 1 means we start searching from after the last replace: $2$1 This puts the 2nd group first and the 1st group second. Java demo: Just replace the last . Oct 28, 2013 · Before Java 9. I would like to know how to perform arbitrary substitutions. Feb 24, 2010 · If you just want to replace the second occurrence of a pattern in a string, you really don't need this "starting from" index calculation. If the input length is less than 4 Dec 26, 2012 · This replaces the entire input String with the contents of group #1, which your original regex captures. replaceAll(""); I would like to be able to find the first occurrence of m² and then numbers in front of it, could be integers or decimal numbers. ! ? I want to replace that with an "" string. One option is described above. i am bound to use apache or java regex. Apr 8, 2011 · How can I get the text between the first and second occurence of a sequence while including the first occurence and excluding the second occurence? So for example: Let my sequence be = "xx - "Let my text be = "xx - blablabla bla blaxx - blablabla bla bla xx - blabla" So i want my regular expression to get this chunk: "xx - blablabla bla bla" Feb 2, 2024 · In this article, we will discuss how to replace the first occurrence of a String using regex in Java. Jan 25, 2020 · I have a string in which I want every occurrence of §a except the first one to be removed and the same goes for §b and §c. find to find the nth occurrence if it exists and use that position to create the new string:. In the string object the "$?" is the regex pattern. NET or Python regex module that support unknown-width lookbehind. 6, Safari 5, Opera 10 and IE8 - granted it is on windows XP sp3, but I rest my case May 14, 2019 · I know we can also use regular expression in the second parameter and do this replacement using re. Hence the output after this statement becomes something like this : Klasse, STRAssE, FUss. I have trouble if there are two punctuation marks; like in the text "the second Day (the 4ht). Read text file and store your string in a String Variable —> Text; Use Matches activity and set pattern as (?>address: )\w* —> so it’ll take text after every address: (with address:) Aug 7, 2015 · On-demand basis, I need to replace string at the particular number of occurrence of the string. matcher(input); String output = m. As you want to remove the first dot and replace the second one with a space, you Feb 1, 2021 · I am trying to write a Regular Expression that replaces the first 4 characters of a string with *s For example, for the 123456 input, the expected output is ****56. Dec 3, 2017 · I have some sample string. Replace Substrings in a String Using the replace() Java method May 16, 2014 · The regex should also match zero occurrences of the pattern, so zero or one occurrence should be ignored and from the 2nd occurrence everything should be removed. replaceAll("regex", ". Feb 5, 2012 · The Java regular expressions are explained very well in the API documentation of the Pattern class. can be does with indexOf and length, but replace using a string works. For e Sep 13, 2013 · How to replace or convert the first occurrence of a dot from a string in java. quote method which escapes all the regex meta-characters. compile() compiles the string as a regular expression, meaning the special characters will be given the special meaning. Also I'd suggest clarifying your case so that it is clear what you really want to replace and also take a look Oct 4, 2010 · Now I know dollar sign is part of Java RegEx, but I don't know how should my pattern look like. ", when I have ). As a result, you’ll just replace the first instance. stringA="a; b; c On a similar search I found this answer: Replace Last Occurrence of a character in a string. I also tried this, to skip the first occurrence of "null": sed -r '0,/null/! s/(\(null)\). Nov 11, 2013 · I have a regex that captures what I want it to capture, the thing is that the String(). match(url) if match: url = url. substring to get the pieces of the big string before and after the match, and finally concat to put those before and after pieces back together, with your intended replacement in the middle. Mark Francois (Rayleigh) (Con): If the scheme was so poorly targeted, why were the Government about to roll it out to employees in the Department of Trade and Industry and the Department for Work and Pensions on the very day the Treasury Regular expression tester with syntax highlighting, explanation, cheat sheet for PHP/PCRE, Python, GO, JavaScript, Java, C#/. separator"), " "); If I create lines in "string" by using "\n" I had to use "\n" in the regex. compile(":"); Matcher m = p. *"; Dec 18, 2017 · I have a rather finnicky and fragile string formatter, where the only way that I can split data entries from a source is to know the size of the entry, and then remove it from the input data. $1 get replaced with the first matched group, $2 gets replaced with the second matched group and so on. public String replaceAll(String regex,String replacement) Apr 1, 2018 · I am using java. To better explain, this method replaces the string exactly how I want it: (Edit: I changed the regex based on Avinash's response, still looking for a faster alternative as the regex replaceall is still slow) Sep 30, 2024 · The String. However if you really want to do this with only 1 regex, here is a solution Solution with 1 regular expression : Oct 17, 2018 · regex to capture the string between a word and first occurrence of a character Hot Network Questions Trying to find three successive triangular numbers whose sum is a perfect square. But you’re not using regex, you’re just selecting a string, so you don’t have access to that. Now we have to use Pattern. I want to set a pattern which will find a capture group limited by the first occurrence of the “boundary”. nbp lspc nnr umroe lfmi jkwd fak nwwz lifunj jganjdv