Active sky xp11 setup. I have set it to launch after 3 seconds.

Active sky xp11 setup Have anybody had such issue? Apr 20, 2024 · Descending into KMSP METAR called for three layers of clouds with a breakout at 6500 feet. I already re-installed my X-Plane 11 and verified my XP. Thanks. According FSelite and on the forum of Hifisimtech . 04r3 Active Sky XP 12 Beta Test Flight | Complete Photo Imagery | Join Me Weekly Mon - Thursday At 8 or 9 PM EST For a Flight Simulator Adventu After installing Active Sky 2012, you can find the Active Sky 2012 shortcut on your desktop or within your Start/Programs Menu. Also, I tried to re-install not only my plugins but also Active sky XP. Lässt sich mit dem Programm auch ein Flugplan erstellen? Please login to display this image. After I re-install my all plugins and run X-Plane 11 without Active sky, it works. g. On the Active Sky view I had those three distinct layers, all with different depictions and light, in the msfs view three layers where kind of bunched together, you guessed it, in the same boring looking cumulus clouds. 41. Greets Joachim X-Plane 12. com, clique em "Preciso de Suporte!" e contrate noss The next installment in the Active Sky series, Active Sky XP 12 brings extensive integration with the new X-Plane 12 platform and it’s new weather system. Not a “replacement” to the internal weather system of XP12, ASXP12 is a Comprehensive Enhancement, enabled by tight integration, that adds an improved weather experience, from planning, weather data access and interaction, weather Active Sky FS Active Sky P3D v6 Active Sky P3D (v4/v5) Active Sky XP 12 (X-Plane 12) Active Sky XP (X-Plane 11) Active Sky for Prepar3D v4 Active Sky 2016 Active Sky Cloud Art Active Sky Next Earlier Legacy Product BETA version updates, if available, are provided at your own risk, are a work-in-progress, and may contain bugs/issues. Though a disadvantage comes with 1. Bienvenido al canal de Iberia virtual, este canal está dirigido a todos los amantes de la sim Active Sky XP (ASXP) brings the popular award-winning Active Sky weather engine to the X-Plane platform for the first time. com, metar-taf. May 30, 2019 · Hmm don't know where to start with this one, I'm a bit fuming been honest with the visuals when you use active sky, let me explain, great product when it comes to winds ect but take a look at the screen shot how clouds looks like whenIi use active sky, maybe I have something setup wrong and someone will point me in right direction but just not Dec 24, 2023 · This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. These textures are not copied or converted from MFS2020! Here you can donate me via PayPal, for further development and new projects 😃 Working on OpenGL: Yes. Features spotlight Active Air Effects Apr 23, 2019 · World Traffic takes a lot of setting up (a post of its own) but once using the AFRE Real traffic data pack here things look alive. I don't know how this came, so I did a reinstall 👉 Te apetece hacer una donación al canal? Estupendo, aquí puedes:https://www. Dec 7, 2018 · ASXP User's Guide and API Manual now posted! https://hifisimtech. With over 24 years of innovative award-winning development, Active Sky continues its ongoing journey in an ongoing quest to improve the simulated aviation weather experience for everyone. Working with Active Sky: Yes Which version to choose? Active Sky系列的最新作品Active Sky XP 12与新的X-Plane 12平台及其新的天气系统进行了广泛集成。. Various wind/temp layer adjustments for better results in most cases; Fixed potential surface wind variability issue in beta 7 Mar 22, 2020 · Hey guys what’s going on, I’m new to X-Plane and Active Sky so I’m wondering what cloud replacement textures you recommend and Does ASXP automatically update the weather in the location you’re in? Have you checked your X Plane weather settings? Need to be set to the custom METAR. After this, you will be asked to log in or create an Active Sky online account which is also required for functionality. 8. py. Dec 11, 2018 · Active Sky XP (ASXP) brings the Active Sky weather engine to the X-Plane platform for the first time, including the core feature set that made it the leading weather engine on P3D and FSX platforms: High resolution data, a private server network, historical weather and playback, advanced air effects, hurricanes, microbursts, wake turbulence Since founded in 2001, VATSIM has built up a community of over 100,000 active users, making it the largest online flight simulator community. 06 I have never changed the settings after my set up - now in 1. Had Skymaxx Pro v4 in XP10, but it reduced FPS so I decided against it for XP11. The installer uses the rights of the user which are logged in, so when your user are not in the admin-group you should had this issue before too. I mostly fly with AS16 and this was no exception. From what I understand - Active Sky XP is a weather injector at the moment. The next installment in the Active Sky series, HiFi Technologies - Active Sky XP11 . The problem occures wh The first thing is to install the ASXP Connect plugin which is required for proper Active Sky XP functionality. Members Online Most used ATC phrases on VATSIM May 17, 2023 · Removed obsolete XP11 options (Override turbulence, surface crosswind attenuation, wake turbulence strength) Changed Application startup sounds option default to off; Updated documentation; Beta 8. 3K. What an amazing difference! Feb 8, 2019 · I keep hearing good things about Active Sky but I've been using FSGRW for several months. 10T) - Add Airport Operations window (open from the Flight Setup window) to let you view and override active runways. Working on Vulcan: Yes. And that’s about everything… this issue solved in the new version 1. 41r1 causing crash when used with ASXP Looks like to claim your free upgrade from XP11 to XP12 you have to claim it by before the end of May 19 That's literally a single day to claim your free upgrade, that's kind of extremely bullshit and I'm very lucky I caught it today, most people won't be so lucky Apr 14, 2020 · Hello, I have an issue with asxp. Mar 20, 2023 · I have the following other plugins: Avitab, X-Pilot, LUA (without any active script), BetterPushback, XUIPC, Simlink. I flew from Bergamo to Debrecen yesterday and I realized this is actually not real weather. The default settings do need to be tweaked when purchased, I noticed. Mar 7, 2019 · I interested in your use of Active Sky with Default XP clouds fully aware of the limitations of the weather system in XP11. I do see Ac Active Sky is a comprehensive weather simulation engine for X-Plane, Prepar3D, FSX and now the MSFS2020 flight simulator platforms. Once you do this, you will see a confirmation of upgra Apr 8, 2020 · The three work very well together. Sep 8, 2022 · X-Plane12 uses 3 monitor setup. Fsgrw depicts very accurate weather, clouds and turbulence. 04r2ICAO Leg:ENKB (Kristiansund) to ENGM (Oslo Gardermoen)Alternati The next installment in the Active Sky series, HiFi Technologies - Active Sky XP11 . In XP11, Active Sky was essential, but I have not felt the need at all in XP12, particularly now when the sim has come such a long way and will go further still 😛 Reply reply Dennis98BE Sep 17, 2017 · After reading some hints in the org-forum I have tried 1. So say you're in a hole of the clouds, so the metar is reporting "clear skies", third party devs can only then draw clear skies around, even if 5 miles over, the airport is reporting overcast. I have plan but it comes with problem. Jan 4, 2018 · MSFS, Beta tester of Simdocks, SPAD. The solution, then, is to set up a Quick Look. com/asxp Aug 16, 2021 · This can take some time to set up and if you do it often, it can get tedious. 99 * Active Sky XP settingsFor support channelWebmoneyZ836584737070R571042822457 Mar 11, 2023 · Non educational preview of Active Sky XP and flight with Toliss A319 v1. Saw that Active Sky is on sale for XP11 so decided to get it a couple of hours ago, definitely recommend it as weather depiction is miles more accurate and can provide you with some interesting situations/ just more interesting flights, when compared to default weather. I'm just getting all the 737X stuff working. by reading different topics around the web i've understrood that in order to use ASXP weather you have to set the XP weather to Metar. Active Sky XP is a weather injector, won't do anything for appearance! I use ActiveSky + Ultra Weather XP, very happy with the results. Dense fog, while it is not (so) foggy in reality. 8 and FSGRW Mar 10, 2023 · Se agradecen los like para que mas personas puedan ver el canal. I have an I7-7700K with GTX1070 and over Europe with Overcast conditions my system will grind to a halt. You can load your flightplan into ASXP for better accuracy. I can set the turbulence down, realism for cloud depiction, refresh rate. Changes to active runways are no longer done dynamically. damian. More info here - World Traffic 3 for X-Plane. I didn't know about all of the scenery downloads necessary to make the airports look (mostly) the way they actually appear (having a F4-Phantom pull up behind me at KIAH wasn't a reality moment). I load weather with custom metar file. 2 flights completed:EPKT - LOWI - using the Mar 9, 2023 · Active Sky XP 12 is the next installment of their popular weather engine for X-Plane, making use of the new regional weather system API in X-Plane 12 to provide high levels of accuracy and realism in weather depiction, with a precise portrayal of clouds in regards to their size, height, type, coverage, precipitation, and more. I was intrigued. Active Sky Weather Engine brings the core features that made Active Sky the leading weather add-on for the FS9, FSX, P3D and XP platforms, including Advanced weather synthesis and interpolation, high-resolution global model data integrated with surface observation and forecast data, realistic air and atmosphere effects, integrated visual Active Sky XP (ASXP) brings the popular award-winning Active Sky weather engine to the X-Plane platform for the first time. I sometimes notch down the turbulence effect slider for example. neXt, and FS-FlightControl Intel i7-13700K / AsRock Z790 / Crucial 32 GB DDR 5 / ASUS RTX 4080OC 16GB / BeQuiet ATX 1000W / WD m. Active Sky injects live weather into the XPlane datarefs. merged Announcing: Active Sky P3D v6, the newest weather engine in the Active Sky line! This new product integrates specifically with the new Prepar3D v6 platform, taking advantage of its new atmospheric engine and various graphical and lighting improvements to provide an enhanced and comprehensive weather experience. by searching for Active Sky (titles only) May 1, 2021 · Obviously, on May 08 (per release notes file in the installer; the below link is as of May 10) update 1. Yesterday I was on a 45 minute flight from Redding in Nocal across to Lake Tahoe in my A2A Cherokee. Active Air Effects Active Sky XP (ASXP) brings the popular award-winning Active Sky weather engine to the X-Plane platform for the first time. Create an account completing all the requested information. May 19, 2024 · Basic features of the Active Sky app Preset control mode vs passive mode Main differences between Active Sky and MSFS live weather Using windy. Double-clicking the desktop shortcut will launch Active Sky 2012. I have P2A configured to use "Sim Weather" and the location set to the XP root folder. Better Sky (flywithLUA) - Ok this is where I do have problem. Clouds look better, of course not like the volumetric clouds of XP12. 95 * Active Sky is a comprehensive weather simulation engine for X-Plane, Prepar3D, FSX and now the MSFS2020 flight simulator platforms. Not a “replacement” to the internal weather system of XP12, ASXP12 is an Enhancement that adds an improved weather experience, from planning, weather data access and interaction Oct 11, 2012 · Active Sky All things Active Sky. May 26, 2023 · An evolved version of the Active Sky platform brings the core features that made Active Sky the leading weather engine for other platforms: Advanced weather synthesis and interpolation, high-resolution global winds aloft, realistic air and atmosphere effects, a comprehensive weather data network, integrated visual mapping and planning, and much Apr 3, 2022 · For some reason, I opened up active sky as I usually do when I Fly, but this time it told me to browse to my xplane root folder, okay no problem. For over a month now when I launch the program with my email and password it does not go to the interface overview for control options, tool bar. jonesm35205; May 8, 2023; Replies 13 Views 331. com/hifi-tech-active-sky-xp. I have set it to launch after 3 seconds. Please submit a support ticket with a log export and log. com/OverKill_ProductionsHello Everyone! Welcome back to X-Plane 11! In this video, I will demonstrate how to install Sep 30, 2019 · I have Active Sky Next for FSX:SE and consider it top quality product providing significant improvements to the weather simulation. Esses dois plugins juntos vão dar uma nova cara no seu s Don't buy ASXP for the clouds or eye candy. Interested in picking up Active Sky XP: https://secure. 0010 was released. ButtKicker Gamer Pro system using SimHaptic/HaptiConnect software (still haven't decided which one to use). AI specific integration and a new option to enable/disable this (general options, default on May 12, 2023 · Hello guys, I just registered to this forum (was only reading in the past). Active Sky FS I’ve been using Active Sky w/ P3D for a while and recently started flying some short hauls in the zibo in XP11. Suddenly today when I started Active Sky XP (Run as Administrator) a box pops out saying my PC is not connected to the internet! I have never installed unauthorized version of AS. Of course I also intstalled the connector during setup and the plugin Admin says The main selling points for Active Sky for MSFS for me was the accuracy of the weather depiction, turbulence simulation, and smooth transitions of wind and cloud coverage. com Nov 23, 2019 · This time I would like to show you my settings for Active Sky XP, which should provide the best and most realistic values for a nice flying experience within X-Plane 11. Not a “replacement” to the internal weather system of XP12, ASXP12 is an Enhancement that adds an improved weather experience, from planning, weather data access and interaction, weather control, automatic weather mode control, air May 12, 2023 · Just installed the latest RC version of Active Sky XP12 and noticed that it is now saying: Quote NOTE: TO CLAIM AND CONFIRM your FREE UPGRADE from ASXP to ASXP12, you must DOWNLOAD, INSTALL and LOGIN with RC2 or later before May 19, 2023 GMT. You can export your log from the Logs button in Active Sky. Still even without the smooth visual will be a step above all the other weather engines currently out for X-Plane, in recreating the active conditions and such even if visually it doesn't look much better. Active Sky allows flight simmers to inject live or . I just wanted to hop in, that I am in the same situation. So choose the metar file option and let ASPX do its magic. Am I missing something? Thanks Oct 29, 2020 · OverKill's Patreon: https://www. ASFS. If all the settings are correct then it might be an issue with ASXP. You can find a lot of threads about comparison to NOAA weather etc. Jan 29, 2020 · Hi everyone, I've been using Active Sky XP for over a year without any issues. It works very well in VR and now I have a more interesting weather environment in XP11. On the map view, you can specify custom weather zones, which will be applied when flown into. patreon. txt from X-Plane at the Support Desk regarding this issue and reference this forum post also. The weather data in the XP Flight Configuration/Weather setup screen matches what ActiveSkyXP is reporting, but the wx reported by P2A is different. Using a hybrid weather depiction interface through X-Plane 11’s weather API, a realistic, high-performance and high-fidelity weather experience is realized. My question is: after those 15 Min ASPX's going to rewrite the Metar file and then XP11 is going Active Sky XP (ASXP) brings the popular award-winning Active Sky weather engine to the X-Plane platform for the first time. I used it extensively with FSX, P3D and XP11. I installed flyWithLua and Better Sky script. Unfortunately that's how X-Plane draws in the weather. Active Air Effects Apr 16, 2019 · I just installed ActiveSkyXP. 1 GHz, RTX 2080 Super, DDR4 32GB 3200MHz. Feb 2, 2019 · These 2 free addon and payware Active Sky XP will elevate your weather experience in XP11 to the next level. I have no clue what is going on. Changelog (Build 7414) Update 041920 – Active Sky XP (ASXP) - X-Plane compatibility updates - Fixed issue with API regarding multiple sigmet Yes it is worth it. Second PC: SimInnovations' Air Manager, with the Knobster, two 15" touchscreen monitors (Left Seat & Center Panels), and one 22" touch-screen monitor (Overhead), and the IPad-mini running Duet screen Feb 27, 2023 · Active Sky XP is running in the background … I don´t know Active Sky XP enough, if there is any process running in the background (autostart), so I would try to reboot your PC and before you do anything, try to make the update. Regards, I think the ASXP install docs say to use the metar file. I tried the built in XP11 live weather earlier today and it seemed to be correct. If the airport has an Airport Operations file, you can select which operation is in effect from the first box and the active runways are listed in the 2nd box. Support the stream: https://streamlabs. Loved the Better Pushback. The next installment in the Active Sky series, Active Sky XP 12 brings extensive integration with the new X-Plane 12 platform and it’s new weather system. In either mode, the clouds will redraw when the weather is updated. Great news for x plane. Hm, bitte … but it´s a little bit strange why this happens now. Cloud depictions are good, weather interpretation is accurate (so far), documentation is good, user-definable options are broad, frame rate hit appears to be insignificant. So because there is no very good available weather add on and I've decided to wait for Active Sky, I'd love to enhance weather a little bit. Features Spotlight. I was on holiday and busy at work during this small crucial time frame where one had to update. Especially the weather transition smoothness settings. There's a guide in the Active Sky user manual. Mar 20, 2019 · How can I set up to get real weather with Active Sky XP in X-Plane? Please help me. phtml_____ Dec 12, 2018 · Mac Linux and 32-bit X-Plane Windows versions are not supported Introducing HiFi rsquo s first weather engine for the X-Plane platform hellip hellip Active Sky XP ASXP brings the popular award-winning Active Sky weather engine to the X-Plane platform for the first time Using a hybrid weather depiction interface through Jan 2, 2019 · I used to get very poor frame rates with active sky and Rex force. 60+ during cruise: i9 9900k OC 5. This resolves some issues and adds new compatibility and integration with some other add-ons. Couple this with UWXP and it's amazing. The instructions are clear so you can play around with the settings (even in game) to get what you want. Before I had Sky Max Pro 4. See full list on hifisimtech. Nov 22, 2024 · Hallo und guten Abend, ich habe das Programm AS Active Sky XP. After download this file extract it into the path below : . Ich habe zwei Screenshots beigefügt. It appears that the application is running in the background as a process, but the window is gone. You can manipulate the extend of wind effects and turbulence. I've never been able to get a solid answer of the differences between the two. Running Active Sky XP with default X-Plane clouds results in a slideshow for me, in thick cloud coverage but bring in Skymaxx and - bingo - I get very reasonable frames and smoothness. 1 in X-Plane 12. Jun 12, 2020 · Just in case anyone is interested, there is a new Beta version of Active Sky XP with better integration with SkyMAXX Pro+Real Weather Connector Copied from their Forum: ASXP Open Beta 7467 Posted on June 12, 2020 by admin Active Sky XP B7467 has been posted as an OPEN BETA for those who wish to p Jul 1, 2020 · I must add that the main reason I use Skymaxx with Active Sky is that this combination gives the best performance (FPS and smoothness) on my average-spec set up. 1. 9 check the release notes Feb 2, 2019 · Active Sky XP (ASXP) brings the popular award-winning Active Sky weather engine to the X-Plane platform for the first time. Interestingly enough, this update does *not* appear in the "Updates" section on the org store (the 1. Yesterday at 10:55 Jun 28, 2019 · Hi, you must also download the file XPlaneUdp. Active Sky XP | HiFi Simulation Technologies Active Sky XP was recently on sale, so I picked it up. Aircraft behaves much more naturally with their weather system than the default system. 99 * Traffic Global for X-Plane 12/11 (Windows) €44. Interestingly, this only seems to appear when using an external viewpoint. Please login to display this image. Any help will be appreciated. However, a month ago it started crushing or disappearing after login. Active Sky XP (ASXP) brings the popular award-winning Active Sky weather engine to the X-Plane platform for the first time. I really only wanted it for the ability to do historical weather, but Apr 29, 2021 · Yes, like it very much. It reads all the weather data and help put that weather in a realistic fashion into the sim. Then start the setup. When it gets to 1 second it just sits there. . Dec 11, 2018 · We take a detailed look into the setup and comparison of how Active Sky for XP operates and looks inside X-Plane. Xprealism mode is off. No FPS hit, clouds all the way to the horizon, nice cloud layering, great winds, etc. com/elsadaymaral Active Sky X-Plane: https://hifisimtech. Dec 9, 2013 · Simply guide to configure PFPX with the new version of activesky Select wheater than Active sky and put the folder i've selected as source for the wheater tab. Some airports don’t have actual cloud information, so asxp shows clouds: non reported though sky is cloudy. I noticed if i tun down texture filtering all the way down to 2X or Trilinear it help a bit. 99 * Traffic Global for X-Plane 12/11 (Windows) $55. Using a hybrid weather depiction interface through X-Plane 11’s weather API, a realistic, high-performance and high-fidelity weather experience is realised. Nov 10, 2021 · Moe edited Jan 19, 2022 20:35 pm this post because:. 1. On 8 May the first post: "Free upgrades from ASXP to ASXP12 are still available for a limited time through May 19, 2023 GMT. Jun 3, 2020 · Gentlemen, I usually get somewhere around 45-60+ FPS on my machine. ASXP gets the real weather then writes it to this file on the fly. Unzip the file in the downloaded ZIP file to any read- and writable location. Dec 11, 2018 · And from some short flights using 11. For those unfamiliar with Active Sky, it is an advanced program that integrates with your simulator’s weather system to create highly accurate and realistic weather. 7 GHz Overclock) Quad Core 16 GB Kingston DDR4 SDRAM 2666 MHz Samsung EVO 850 1TB SSD (x 2) Sep 5, 2023 · I've had Active Sky for few years now for X-Plane 11. :\X-Plane\Resources\bitmaps\skycolors Then put the new files and replace it with the old one here ( pack up your old files ) ----- May 4, 2020 · HiFi Technologies - Active Sky XP New version: Build 7414 (Upd 041920) Existing Customers can download the new full verison via their Aerosoft Shop Account. ASXP12不是XP12内部天气系统的“替代品”,而是一种增强功能,它增加了改善后的天气体验,从规划、天气数据访问和交互、天气控制、自动天气模式控制、空气效果到高级描绘等等。 Dec 22, 2024 · Hi, I was looking for something to improve the clouds and weather in XP11 VR, and recently I bought Active Sky XP11, since it is in Holidays discount. 2 NVMe 2TB (System) / WD m. O. Feb 19, 2018 · XP11, Win10 pro, Intel I7 5820K OC 4500 MHz, 32GB DDR4 RAM 3200 MHz CL 14-14-14, 2 x 1TB Samsung SSD 960 pro, 4 TB Hybrid Raid 10, MSI GTX 1070, MFG Crosswind, Saitec X52 Pro, Puma Pro Flight, LG HDR WQHD 3840 x 1600, 2 x Mimo 7' Display Link Touchscreen Monitors, 1 x Mimo 10' Display Link Touch Screen Monitor Testing out some settings with the very best addons around. Active Sky XP (ASXP) brings the popular award-winning Active Sky w Nov 7, 2024 · Latest Update: 2024/11/07 The below log shows all updates for this product since release: Update 101824 – (aka B9057) · Added new SayIntentions. Super. Ultra Weather XP) - it's that part that will affect the frame rates really. So when you are below an overcast you can look around and see that the clouds extend equally in all directions and abruptly end, which looks bad. In what way will it make things better. ASXP provides accurate weather, like winds, turbulence, wind shear (which I don't think is even modeled in vanilla xp). 35,99 € * Traffic Global for X-Plane 12/11 (Windows) 44,95 € * May 7, 2020 · Resolved Active Sky Changes Manual Weather from Clear to IFR Precision anytime its launched. So I am a little bit disappointed, but I still am exploring the weather engine. I used Active Sky with my Xplane 11 Code just as the beta for Xplane 12 was available. Same weather patterns and same stupid looking cloud radius. Thanks a lot in Advance. Threads 442 Messages 3. exe from there … Jan 4, 2024 · Active Sky has been, since it's early ages, my go-to weather program. paypal. Tencent Gaming Buddy TutuApp AppValley Active Air Effects Jul 26, 2021 · Fala galera! Nesse vídeo vocês vão conhecer dois plugins pagos: o Active Sky XP e o SkyMaxx Pro V5. The next installment in the Active Sky series, Active Sky XP 12 brings extensive integration with the new X-Plane 12 platform and its re-designed weather system. Leider ist das Programm in englischer Sprache. S. I had some Just Flight points racked up so that cut the cost for me almost in half. I legit set my root folder and it doe This is video is a First Impressions video of Active Sky XP as tested on X-Plane 11. Feb 6, 2014 · Sky color 2018 download the new Skies This is a Replacement Sky Colors for X-Plane 10 and X-Plane 11 . $32. simmarket. €35. Visit our downloads page to download. Mar 17, 2023 · In this X-Plane 12 video, we conduct a series of tests to compare the weather generated by Active Sky XP 12 vs X-Plane 12 built-in weather generation engine Active Sky Weather Engine 24 years of active development of weather simulation for MSFS and other platforms culminates in a mature and refined weather engine system that natively includes advanced weather data analysis, lookup, mapping, planning, briefing and more. 0. Anyone with the same problem The first Beta worked good, installed the new beta an hour ago and Home Screen stays on waiting for simulaor. Note that the Num Lock must be on in order to do this. com/asxp/MEU SETUP / MY SPECS:----- May 5, 2022 · Hello, i want to ask, if it is possible to change the Weather Source for Flight Planning to 3rd Party Software like Rex WeatherForce for MSFS2020 or Active Sky for XP11 or P3D, depending on the Sim, that will be used for the Flight? I would highly appreciate such a Function in the Future. I have reached out to HiFi Technologies technical Jul 3, 2020 · Active Sky XP B7475 has been posted as an OPEN BETA for those who wish to participate. sett Hey Guys,Today we are back in X-Plane 12 and today i will be reviewing Active Sky XP for X-Plane 12! I will also be comparing the Active Sky injected weather Active Sky XP (ASXP) brings the popular award-winning Active Sky weather engine to the X-Plane platform for the first time. The default clouds within x-plane aren't great and impede ASXP in a big way, the same way it was impeded in the FSX days by the limitations of the sim at the time with clouds. Set the view to however you like it, and assign it to Quick Look 1 by pressing Ctrl+Num Pad 1 (i. 30 RC1. Changelog: Update 061920 – June 19, 2020 Fix for Oculus fix version of X-Plane 11. Now if they can just get PMDG to port their 737 across. Sep 13, 2018 · I am new at X-Plane also, and I hadn't heard of Active Sky. Active Sky reads very accurate weather details, and also adds turbulance and winds aloft. If you fly PMDG products, then Active Sky is the way to go. The data provided are the same fhat come from previous version of Activesky so it will works perfectly as ASE and AS2012. HD Clouds v2 - Already in use and I kinda like these textures. I click my xplane root folded and active sky says that it is not my root folder. Jun 20, 2017 · According to Frooglesim apparently. I also have ASP4 installed on the same PC but different drive. Advanced Data Collection, Synthesis, Modeling and Interpretation Nov 16, 2023 · Hi Gentlemen, (I do my apologizes if I've missed something: I tried a "search" about the title subjecy but w/o any success), I've just bought Active Sky for XP12 and I'd like to know from everyone already using it which are the wind effect, turbulence scla, max surface wind, max icing % etc. I especially Mar 11, 2023 · Is there a better way to properly setup up ASXP 12 to use it both with XPlane 11 and XPlane 12? Mar 22, 2021 · As mentioned above, it is highly configurable, but simple because the default settings give you pretty much what you need. I have been using it with XP12 too, and I believe that coupled with VisualXP (which I do not have) it really can make quite a difference, not only visually but also and specially, meteorology-wise Mar 23, 2023 · The latest release of AS is not injecting the weather into xp12. 07 today again and flying in the mountains is now a joy for me. Apr 20, 2024 · Then came the announcement a couple weeks ago that Active Sky was alive and well and going to be releasing a version for MSFS. It still depends on X-Plane to display the generated weather either by itself (its default weather engine) or by using a 3rd-Party plugin (e. I didn't experience any FPS loss with Winter Te Shopping Cart: 0 item(s) / $0 Product Search Search . I departed SCEL metar shows: SCEL 161600Z 28002KT 4000 BR FEW160 BKN180 08/06 Q1015 NOSIG If I don't, the Active Sky app and x-plane have Precisa de suporte para seu simulador, treinamentos ou outros serviços? Acesse https://www. But in the X-Plane the wea May 18, 2023 · Active Sky XP 12 Released! Posted on May 18, 2023 May 18, 2023 by admin ASXP12 brings Active Sky to the X-Plane 12 platform using its new weather and sdk capabilities, enabling highly accurate weather conditions, comprehensive weather reporting, visual weather mapping and planning, specialized XP12 air effects, voice weather delivery, weather Feb 25, 2021 · The HiFI Active Sky XP cannot be installed. The current ASXP had an update in November of 2020. I bought Active Sky knowing full well it wasn't going to be doing what I, as a simmer, and what HiFiSim wanted it to do. However, whenever there is a thick cloud layer around as provided by Active Sky XP the frame rate seems to suffer disproportionately. Apr 30, 2019 · I have been using Active Sky XP for XP11 since it was out with no issues. Nov 18, 2020 · Dear all, Hello, I just got a troubleshooting from Active sky. From what i think, it is more precise, though. 07 I have to change depending on the scenery (mountains or flat-country/seaside) the atmosphere setting: Lower atmosphere (disabled in the mountains). 26, ASXP looks like a weather-engine game-changer for XP. Will AS make it even more accurate ? One thing in particular I would like is how is performance with it ? In default XP11 I have noticed a tendency for fps drops when getting close to Dec 11, 2018 · Active Sky just injects the weather into X-Plane so doesn't directly affect the frame rates. e. 0010 is not). (Make sure that override xplane turbulance is ticked in the wind options of Active Sky. May 27, 2019 · Those of you that are using Active Sky for X-Plane - what cloud art are you using to enhance the weather because as it stand now, it really look pretty ugly. Jan 3, 2019 · (3. me/manuzizou----- Nov 2, 2020 · I see it is on sale so I might get it. RWC makes sure that the weather details from Active Sky are placed in the right places. Also, the addition of multiple cloud types is welcome. Search before starting new threads. " Jul 10, 2019 · Hello everyone! So, i am having troubles using the Acitive sky for Xplane, i am ussualy receiving wrong weather conditions in my airports, for example, i was aproaching at KCLM and the metar clearly said that it was SCT030 4NM BR, but, when i was on final, my active sky just updated the weather a Jul 8, 2019 · When using Global Static depiction mode, the same conditions are represented across the sky, so when moving from cloudy to clear, the clouds will redraw. By continuing to use this site, you are consenting to our use of cookies. 07 - in 1. Feb 27, 2017 · Subject: Better Sky and Mac Users. Feb 6, 2019 · Time to look at another add on for X Plane 11, with Active Sky XP - a fully fledged weather engine that allows us live weather, historic weather, custom weat Dec 16, 2018 · Member; 416 Location: Queen Creek AZ Interests: Private Pilot (Cherokee, Archer, C172, C152, DA 20) Jetline Systems Gravity GT2 NVidia GeForce RTX2080Ti Cir i7 7700K (4. com and badbadweather. Apr 9, 2019 · Dear Pilots, I just bought the Active Sky XP and I have a problem with it. Jul 12, 2019 · Active sky basically looks like the default weather but has enhanced clouds so the clouds look a bit better. May 9, 2023. May 19, 2023 · This latest version of Active Sky is designed to take advantage of all of X-Plane 12’s new weather and SDK capabilities. , the control key, with the 1 key on the number pad). With that flight sim though, due to there no longer being active weather updating with the core sim, ASN is a no brainer and an essential if not mandatory product. Nov 24, 2018 · Active Sky Weather Engine: An evolved version of the Active Sky platform brings the core features that made Active Sky the leading weather engine for other platforms: Advanced weather synthesis and interpolation, high-resolution global winds aloft, realistic air and atmosphere effects, a comprehensive weather data network, integrated visual Mar 20, 2021 · We will need to check your setup and settings. Mac users, if you run Better Sky in XP11 you may find buildings becoming transparent ghostly outlines and white patches appearing in ground scenery. I'm sure you've checked but you can also set the download interval and make sure live weather mode is on in Active Sky. According to the developer page, the actual cloud and Dec 28, 2019 · hi, i bought active sky for xp11 but i have a question about it. What is my problem? I live in Debrecen and the weather was very cloudy here yesterday in the afternoon. Just read that I'm too late for the Active sky XP11 -> XP12 free upgrade. Dec 18, 2016 · This seems like an odd one and rather unsure what to make of it. 2 NVMe 4 TB (MSFS) / WD HDD 10 TB / XTOP+Saitek hardware panel / LG 34UM95 3440 x 1440 / HP Reverb 1 (2160x2160 per eye) / Win 11 Active Sky XP (ASXP) brings the popular award-winning Active Sky weather engine to the X-Plane platform for the first time. simulanderson. I updated several versions. 9997 update from Apr 23 is listed, but the latest 1. Active Sky was always the best when it was paired with a second product, mainly REX. The flight plan was loaded both into the FSX-SE and automatically into AS, the fl Mar 5, 2021 · I tried to create X-Plane 11 sky textures, similar to those in the MFS. In XP11 with Activesky no performance impact and very happy with it. com; Comparisons between Active Sky and MSFS live weather in different weather conditions Part 2: Active Sky settings including my preferences Jul 9, 2020 · Im using XP11 11. Mar 9, 2023 · The API that third party devs get access to, only exposes the plane's CURRENT reporting weather. 04. Search Active Sky FS is made for use with Microsoft Flight Simulator only not for P3D XP FSX for PC Windows only not for X-box Announcing the long-awaited Active Sky weather add-on for the latest version of Microsoft Flight Simulator Active Sky FS ASFS brings direct MSFS 2020 and MSFS2024 nbsp Mar 14, 2019 · Hello everyone, I just started up the sim, together with ASXP, and I noticed that the FPS were very very low (around 8 FPS). After closing down the Active Sky Application and switching to default weather (rain), the FPS increased to approx 30 FPS. uojvv lamt fvhrl yraxzravx crxf tddnx kplz bcurvne cdwlqrv ejng